The best in the world – next-generation vending machines from Japan
DATE: Learn/
Many foreign visitors to Japan have probably wondered about the amount of vending machines on the streets.
Whether it be the city or the countryside, vending machines are scattered all over Japan. While it is normal to most Japanese, it seems quite unusual to foreigners.
So why is it, that vending machines are so plentiful in Japan?
One reason is related to the high degree of public safety. The psychological barrier to steal from a vending machine is said to be low, because the robber cannot see the face of his victim. Therefore one of the factors that prevented vending machines from spreading as much outside of Japan is the danger of machines getting vandalized in areas with poor public security.
Another reason is the progress of the Japanese technology. In other countries vending machines are often dysfunctional. The machine might not respond when inserting coins or pushing buttons. Japanese vending machines rarely malfunction and lately they have even been used to distribute free drinks at the time of disaster or to display news on electronic bulletin boards.
There is a vending machine in Japan that is superior to any other machine on the market and equipped with the latest technology: The Acure vending machine.
Its main features are:
・marketing function
・communication system
Equipped with a revolutional marketing system, the machine recommends certain products based on the current temperature and weather or suggests drinks that could fit the consumer’s needs.
Through the communication system the machine is able to engage with consumers in a friendly and warmhearting way.
Japan is a world leader when it comes to vending machine technology and simplifies the everyday lives of many people with its machines.
If you see a vending machine in Japan the next time, why don’t you give it a try and purchase a drink?
Finally here’s a charming video of foreigners in Japan being completely blown away by a Japanese vending machine. Enjoy!